Cooperating on tasks
Local authorities, central government, business partners, grid operators and knowledge institutions in the North Sea Canal area are working on regional tasks to ensure the region remains an attractive area for people to work, live and enjoy leisure activities. Industry, ports, housing construction, business and leisure activities all demand space. A second important topic is the health of the living environment. Because of the region’s low-lying location, the risk of rises in sea level and subsidence needs to be addressed. Two major programmes have been initiated to ensure that the economy becomes more sustainable and circular and that the use of space in the region continues to be optimised.
This partnership is not new to the North Sea Canal region. For years, local governments and the business community have discussed the larger issues facing them. We are now taking things one step further and are looking with the Government at the necessary transitions in the field of energy and economy.
NZKG Administrative Platform
The NZKG Administrative Platform (Bestuursplatform NZKG, “BPF NZKG”) is the core of regional collaboration, working together with various governmental departments such as Infrastructure & Water Management, Internal Affairs and Economic Affairs and Climate. This comprehensive administrative platform hosts discussions and combines the different considerations. This collaborative partnership between the public and private sector is of added value to the region. The BFP NZKG takes a comprehensive approach to the programmes and by extension to the developments in the area. The BFP NZKG sets the framework for the tasks assigned in the programme. The subsequent decision-making, supervision and implementation is handled by executive committees, who are responsible for making specific arrangements to coordinate and implement the work. The role of the BPF NZKG is to think in outlines while taking a comprehensive approach to specific, joint agreements on the development of the area.
In addition to supervising the joint regional objectives, the BPF NZKG is also a close-knit administrative network. Participants in the new BPF NZKG take comprehensive social-economic responsibility for the physical space and work jointly towards a renewed shared vision of the North Sea Canal area. They are a physical component or the competent authority of the area.
The BPF NZKG convenes at least twice a year. Their schedule can be found here.
Click on the image to view the organisation participating in the NZKG Administrative Platform.
Role of public parties
The NZKG municipalities and the province of North-Holland play an important role in the regional partnership. They are familiar with the issues in their own municipality, they know the region well and can provide input from residents and businesses. The municipalities have a final say on all decisions taken by the NZKG Administrative Platform; they are the competent authority tasked with actually carrying out the projects, together with the business sector and executive organisations. The platform allows municipalities to extend their influence beyond their own municipality.
NZKG Executive Committees
The executive committees for energy transition and spatial development are tasked specifically with the contents of the challenge ahead, consulting with the relevant public and private sector parties and they have a mandate in terms of scope, funding, human resources and planning. The executive committees are part of the administrative platform and are asked to develop programmes, identify dilemmas or bottlenecks and to put these on the agenda of the integrated administrative platform. The executive committees have all the space they need to properly implement the programme. They also benefit from the expertise assembled at the thematic acceleration tables and working groups, also referred to as building blocks.
Energy Transition Committee
The executive committees each have their own pattern of meetings and conferences, as and when the programme demands. The Energy Transition Committee convenes at least six times a year. Their schedule can be found here.
Click on the image to view the organisation participating in the Energy Transition Committee.
Spatial Development Committee
The Spatial Development Committee convenes at least four times in 2023. Written rounds may take place in between, depending on the programme scheduling. The schedule of this executive committee can be found here.
Click on the image to view the organisations participating in the Spatial Development Committee.
NZKG Programme Office
The NZKG Programme Office is an initiative by the regional partnership NZKG, whose client is the Administrative Platform North Sea Canal Area (“BPF NZKG”). The BPF NZKG has set itself the goal of jointly reaching administrative agreements on the future and, more specifically, the spatial development of the area. The main tasks concern the energy and economic transitions, with a healthy living environment having top priority and with water and soil as guiding principles. National and regional spatial interests converge in this region. The programme office develops programmes to accommodate these interests in time and space. Meanwhile we are working to develop the necessary knowledge and innovation needed.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Executive board of the NZKG foundation
The Executive board of the NZKG foundation supervises the business operations of the NZKG Programme Office and is responsible for its financial statements. The executive board of the foundation appoints the management board, on the recommendation of the BPF NZKG, and decides on the multi-year budget and annual plan. The BPF NZKG appoints its members from the members of the executive board of the foundation. The executive board consists solely of public members. The Province of North-Holland also appoints the chair of the foundation’s executive board.
NZKG Directors’ meeting
The directors’ meeting is involved to ensure proper coordination between administrative tasks, governance development and administrative support. It assumes the role of administrative client. Aside from the administrative planning, there is also a need to consult regularly about the integral tasks, unity and the existing opportunities. The Directors’ meeting fuels both the administrative advisory team and the NZKG Programme Office. Lastly, the Directors’ meeting is responsible for employing the management of the programme office. The NZKG Directors’ meeting consists of representatives from the BPF NZKG.